Established in 2018, The FREE Theme Song Initiative was created for any and everyone in the world. It is absolutely free to participate and it is crowd funded, so the more supporters we have the more songs we can provide monthly. Everyone deserves to be celebrated & here is a list of all of the Theme Songs done to date, go ahead and use the search bar or feel free to peruse!
You may have to hit REFRESH but please excuse the minimalism, I am tirelessly working at bringing all 167+ Theme Songs back up, it will just take me some time, thank you for your patience. A more comprehensive list is available if you click the link below
183 | Vox | Stay At Home Plant, Dog, Snake & Rat Mom
Say hello to Vox, she is a puppy mom who also mothers rats, a snake, along with a forest of plants. She hates the monotonous days but loves spending time with nature in a more than the usual intimate way. Her beautiful family is lucky to have such an attentive person along their other caring mother Bri, I hope y'all kan enjoy Vox's personalized Theme Song.
181 | Jason | Student
Jason has been down with the Beat Junkie squad for a long tyme, he signed up for a FREE Theme Song back in the 9th grade and now as a Junior he's finally getting his dues! Big round of applause for Jason! If he's not out chillin' with his homies, he's pumping some Slipknot, Rob Zombie or Mudvayne while playing some PC games or his Nintendo 64. Check out why Jason is considered the Super Smash Bros champ by listening to his song!
180 | Amber for Rach | Keepsake
Rach is straight outta Winton! Amber says that its a, 'blink and you'll miss it' place out in the middle of nowhere, so you know we had to rep her town. Amber is Rach's best friend and made this Theme Song to encapsulate the essence of Rach, from her pet peeve of Coriander, Cats, Ants in her kitchen, to her undying love of the Wu Tang Clan; I tried my best to do her song justice. I hope you enjoy the outkome.
179 | Vansh | Hero: Vansh
Vansh is somewhat of a ladies man, handsome, intelligent and charismatic. He's also a Super Hero who uses his charm to vanquish the forces of Distraction! His weakness is time management which seems to get the better of him when flirting or conversing with others, when he should be working and making his goals a priority but that's just Vansh. Check out his Super Hero Theme Song to see what the fuss is about.
167 | Lindsey Joanna | Digital Media Assistant
Lindsey Joanna, doin’ what it do, with her trusty cat, Huxley, by her side!
166 | Michael for Raven | Keepsake
Raven is such a little sweet heart and her Dad wants to let her know she’s awesome
165 | Trey for Brie | Keepsake
Trey & Brie make for an awesome couple, just hoping he doesn’t ever trigger her Misophonia
164 | Cynthia for Kimber | Keepsake
Kimber is a very adventurous soul and her mother Cynthia wanted to celebrate that