The FREE Theme Song Initiative was create to celebrate you and those whom you love. I know, not everyone can afford the smallest of gifts, so, I made this project to give others an opportunity to give back, as well as receive something unique and awesome for absolutely free with the help of crowdfunding. The FREE Theme Song Initiative is not just theme songs and komes in many forms; You kan participate thru suggesting prompts on social media by kommenting on any “improv loops for u/” post, I’ll make you a free Drop, Audio Tag, Radio Bumper for my project Drops Tags & Balderdash, you kan also participate by signing up for a FREE kustom Theme Song to celebrate you or someone you love, and finally you kan send me a funny, sad, mundane or just random story for my unBoxed Beets & bRamblings project and I’ll make a witty song to accompany it! Last but not least XPI Sessions is a LIVE Community event that brings families together through music, games, food, drinks, art & song, please support to keep this going in your community.
If you would rather skip the rigorous intricacies of Patreon you kan still support and participate by donating below.
Thank you, be well & stay safe