Glenn has wanted to get Marichje a theme song for a while now and we finally were able to make one! A beautiful and strong woman that he plans to marry, or married, these songs sometymes take forever to get to BUT with more Patrons komes more songs, so don't forget to support the FREE Theme Song Initiative in order to hear more songs for such wonderful people. Listen in to hear more on Marichje, alopecia, conversations whilst sleeping and Glenn!
Leeshi Plays, streams on Twitch and has fun with her Leeshi Fam playing Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite & Fall Guys. If you wanna check her out go to, and show her some love! Unless you are an Exploiter, Hacker, Beggar or Attention-Seeker stop by in her chat and tell her kidmental sent you. I think this one is pretty fun and I hope ya'll enjoi!
Check out Mark Dana's kompany; May We Help an organization that helps the disabled to become independent. Their services are free and have helped individuals across the Nation. Their slogan is Defy Your Limits, which is something that they help people do on a daily basis. Check out their theme song, I hope you enjoy it and that maybe in some little way it inspires you.