XPI [Xypher Phunk Infinitum], currently located in Room 108 at the Rankin Community Center, provides a safe space for kids & adults to bring their ideas and creativity together to engage in the art of synergy. With provisions such as an audio recording booth, studio recording equipment, digital & analog instruments, live jam sessions / cyphers, video game repair / play & instructors who are adamant about exploration, participants are encouraged to tinker, loop, compose, arrange, research & immerse their brains into the world of creative synergy! This conglomerate helps the community to get out of the streets and into safe spaces by utilizing our venue as a workshop, study hall, learning experience or refuge to keep positive minds away from idling away in toxic environments.
Come out to XPI Sessions [a synergy event] to experience synergy in its most sincerest form. Through Hip Hop, collaboration & gaming, instructors will help guide the shy &/or less experienced in creating new styles, beats & genres along with providing an atmosphere of love, forgiveness and perseverance. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in the live jam sessions, freestyle cyphers and game play. Hosted by the Professor of Synergy, kidmental, who keeps the mood lively, energetic and open for any and all to participate, you'll be glad to have been a part of the experience. We offer food, drinks, art & collaboration via synergy. Activities include video game free play; from retro to new game consoles, live jam sessions with provided instruments (or bring your own) & an open mic like freestyle cypher. It is FREE to the community AND open to donations at donate.kidmental.com.
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
235 4th AVE, RANKIN, PA