Established in 2018, The FREE Theme Song Initiative was created for any and everyone in the world. It is absolutely free to participate and it is crowd funded, so the more supporters we have the more songs we can provide monthly. Everyone deserves to be celebrated & here is a list of all of the Theme Songs done to date, go ahead and use the search bar or feel free to peruse!
You may have to hit REFRESH but please excuse the minimalism, I am tirelessly working at bringing all 167+ Theme Songs back up, it will just take me some time, thank you for your patience. A more comprehensive list is available if you click the link below
123 | Louis for Thaison & Jonathan | Keepsake
The celebration of 2 brothers from other mothers
91 | Self Cyphadeen | Shifu
Self is a Teacher, an Artist and a Mentor. He is the Program Manager at an after school program and he also teaches Kung Fu at Level Up Studios. Though the hours tend to be great and it has a large burnout rate he still strives every day because he takes pride in empowering others.
75 | Frank for Natalie | Keepsake
Frank wanted to surprise his wife with a lil something extra for her birthday!
50 | 1flychicken | Artist
1flychicken is definitely just that. She creates with so much vim and vigor that one would think she were multiple people. From glass work, to poetry, to cartoons and graphics she's got this art scene on lock, check her song out.
20 | Sean Armstrong | Tha Local Beat
Sean is a journalist who created a platform that highlights Pittsburgh's Local Music Scene and the culture, community, and conversations surrounding it. “Tha Local Beat”, is a podcast where Sean interviews local musicians as he tears down the third wall to build better relationships with their fans and future fans.
11 | Heather Abraham | News Anchor
Heather Abraham, news anchor at KDKA and host of Pittsburgh Today Live