189 | Investing Broz | Series

We Are All Investing Broz

"We are ALL Investing Broz", is such an exclusive inclusivity, and I'm here for it! This is a Series Theme Song brought to us by Sponsorship via a Twitch Follower, El0Brown! They reached out to me to kreate a unique track for the YouTube channel, Investing Broz and with a kouple of the Broz we kame up with this drill inspired track that speaks to the Broz in an intimate way which I dig and was happy to oblige. I hope you all enjoi it, let me know what you think on Google Maps with a review!

Are you inspired by the FREE Theme Song Initiative? Spread the word, support on Patreon or drop some change in the Tip Jar

Producer: kidmental

Theme Song Thursdae is a part of the FREE Theme Song Initiative, it is every 1st Thursday of each month & anyone who signs up for it has a chance to get their Theme Song created for that day. It is absolutely free because it is supported by participators like you on Patreon. Our next goal is 50 patrons/supporters, if we reach that goal, Theme Song Thursdae will be added to the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please support and continue to spread love!

—Be Well & Stay Safe

190 | Leeshi Plays V2 | Streamer


188 | Tyler for Christy | Keepsake