184 | Scram | Sound Engineer
184 | You Butternut Squash | Sign-up for your free theme song today!
Heeeeere's Scram! A sound engineer all the was from North Carolina, he loves his job and has a best friend by the name of Jillian along with his cat Mei have made it through the tough turmoil of COVID! Though some days may be rough, he kan always kount on his Japanese Rock music and a good bout of Rocket League that usually lasts into the wee hours of the night. Check out Scram's theme song where we sing his favorite phrase, "You butternut squash", I hope you enjoi!
Are you inspired by the FREE Theme Song Initiative? Spread the word, support on Patreon or drop some change in the Tip Jar
Producer: kidmental
“Theme Song Thursdae is a part of the FREE Theme Song Initiative, it is every 1st Thursday of each month & anyone who signs up for it has a chance to get their Theme Song created for that day. It is absolutely free because it is supported by participators like you on Patreon. Our next goal is 50 patrons/supporters, if we reach that goal, Theme Song Thursdae will be added to the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please support and continue to spread love!
—Be Well & Stay Safe”