Blerd Over

Blerd Over is a brand promoting Black Excellence, check them out over on Tik Tok
Do you dig this Theme Song? Spread the word, support on Patreon or get your own hire me on Fiverr
Producer: kidmental
Fiverr is a platform where you can hire practically any expert to create, facilitate or execute jobs for any project that you need. It is a safe environment for both commissioned and commissioner to be treated fairly and businesslike securing satisfaction guaranteed. Also as a part of the FREE Theme Song Initiative, which is every 1st Thursday of each month & anyone who signs up for it has a chance to get their Theme Song created for that day. It is absolutely free because it is supported by participators like you on Patreon. Our next goal is 50 patrons/supporters, if we reach that goal, Theme Song Thursdae will be added to the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please support and continue to spread love!
—Be Well & Stay Safe